Consequences of a DUI:
DUI is a serious crime with even more serious consequences. DUI is also a very common crime that anyone can be accused of committing. Depending on the jurisdiction where you are charged, you may have an uphill battle fighting your DUI. Holly Pederson Esworthy has extensive experience defending clients accused of both Gross Misdemeanor and Felony DUI charges. The penalties for both Gross Misdemeanor and Felony DUI vary drastically.
(1) Confinement:
- Gross Misdemeanor DUI carries a maximum sentence of 364 days in jail. The mandatory minimum penalties for confinement range from 1 day in jail to 120 days jail + 150 days Electronic Home Monitoring.
- Felony DUI carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. The standard range of confinement will depend on your offender score, which Holly Pederson Esworthy can calculate for you.
(2) Monetary Penalties:
- Gross Misdemeanor DUI carries a maximum fine of $5000. The mandatory minimum monetary penalty for a first-time DUI range from $990.50 to $1,245.50.
- Felony DUI carries a maximum fine of $20,000.
In addition to a fine, a Court may impose costs, fees, and assessments authorized by law. Holly Pederson Esworthy has extensive experience litigating the imposition the discretionary imposition of legal financial obligations by means of mitigating the financial consequences of a conviction.
(3) License Suspension:
The length of your license suspension can range from 90 days to a lifetime, depending on the number of factors, including the number of prior DUI offenses, your BAC status, or the number of prior moving violations. For more information on DUI license suspension, click here.